Monday, December 28, 2015


God has a relationship with me through the Sacraments. I was baptized as priest, prophet, and king. With Confirmation, I received the fuller relationship with the Holy Spirit that began in baptism. In First Holy Communion, I met the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. In Reconciliation, I get to return to God's grace and be his friend again. In the Sacrament of Marriage, I have left my parents to become one with my wife and I live out all of those previous Sacraments with the purpose of helping my wife and kids achieve Heaven. This I know.

There was a moment in my life that I considered religious life instead of marriage. God then told me I would be married and have my kids, then shortly thereafter He took me close to 200 miles away and I met my wife. I love her with all my heart. I love her with the love Jesus pours in me through my relationship with Him in the Sacraments. This I know.

Since our wedding, there have been people that didn't think we belong together, or that I should have been a priest. Or that I would be happier without my wife & kids. Or that having more money would make me happier if I didn't have to support a family. There have been people that have helped usher separation between my kids and me instead of nuturing a better relationship of togetherness. Despite all of these obstacles, I stand strong in my belief that God Himself created my marriage with my wife and with ALL of my kids. This I know.

No riches on earth can compare to my God-given Sacrament of Marriage and the riches that await in Heaven. Our time on earth is nothing compared to Eternity. And you better believe that I will fight with every spiritual weapon at my disposal against anyone and anything that tries to attack, injure, and/or even feel displeased with disapproval towards my Domestic Church that is my family through my Sacrament of Marriage. To those that have those intentions, you are up against God. You. Will. Not. Win. Christ the King bestowed that authority in me as head of my Domestic Church. This I know.

Francis Chan put it best in regards to the goals on earth.

I would never choose anything, or anyone, else.  I will reach my goals of Eternity with my Sacrament of Marriage intact.

This I know.

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