Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Doing Yourself a Favor without Time-Travel

I've been pondering the whole "do yourself a favor" phrase.  This phrase reminds me of a scene of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989).


Following this scene, Bill & Ted continue on this time paradox sequence of events where they agree to go back in time later so certain things they need now are there at that precise moment.  Confused yet?  In simple terms, they do themselves several favors with the clever use of time travel.  That would be so useful!  I would like to invite you to start doing yourself more favors throughout your day.  The challenge is to not use your fancy time machine if you have one.  The magnitude of the favor you grant yourself is completely up to you.

The favor can be something small and temporal, such as when you put things where you can find them at a later time.  I typically encourage my kids to get their clothes ready for the next day to save time the next morning.  Putting my clothes where I can just grab them in the morning while I'm still half-asleep is a real time saver for the morning rush routine.  Also, wake up 10 or 15 minutes sooner if you think you need more time.  Rationally, do you really think those extra 10 minutes of sleep are going to make that much of a difference later on during the day?  They really won't, but it will loosen up the morning schedule.  I am also obsessed with efficiency.  I blame my dad for those genes.  I take out clothes from the dryer a certain way that will maximize my folding time and minimize wrinkles.  I wash dishes and lay them on the counter to minimize water puddles.  I wash my vehicles from top to bottom to use gravity in my favor.  The list goes on.  I'm not implying you should be as obsessed as I am, but definitely do yourself favors that will help you have peace of mind.  Peace is the goal.

We can very much also do ourselves favors in the spiritual sense, such as when you dispense charity, faith, and hope, for your recompense will be in Heaven.  Understand that everyone is seeking to be loved.  Understand that you are God's instrument, and that through you, He is trying to love the person next to you.  That includes people of different creeds, nationalities, race, political affiliation, and sexual orientation; everyone just wants to be loved.  Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as you need to; go to confession.  How can a clean soul not be number one on your list?  Next, forgive others as you have been forgiven.  Do yourself the big favor of not holding grudges or seeking revenge.  Go to Mass and nourish yourself with God.  One of the best things you can also do is have the best person in your corner at all times. Jesus is that friend that you need to get to know.  I'm not talking about knowing about Him (birthday, parent's names, where He lives, etc.), but actually spending time with Him and get to know Him.  Get to know Him through His Word, through prayer, and through the Eucharist.  All theses things lead to internal peace which also translate to external peace.  Peace is the goal.

Whether the favor is temporal or eternal (spiritual), you will always be a beneficiary.  Doing your due diligence may seem like extra work in the present time, but I promise that you will be thanking yourself later.  Who better to do nice things for you than yourself?!  Do yourself a favor. Be a friend to yourself. You deserve it.

Peace be with you.